About me

Published March 30, 2016 by Christina

Hi, My name is Christina and I am starting this blog because blogging is something I have always been interested in, and i believe it can be a very good way to hep relieve stress. Now to enlighten you with a little bit about myself, I am a stay at home mom, I have two little boys ages 5 and 21 months, and i am expecting a third one due may 10th! ALL BOYS! fun fun.. I wouldnt change that for the world, boys are so much fun to raise, and of course they are all mommy’s boys 😉 I have a wonderful husband, we have been married for two years(just had our 2 yr anniversary 3~22) 🙂 He is my rock! Now im not saying that we have a perfect marriage because trust me, we don’t.. its actually been a very rocky road and were still in the middle of a storm as i am typing this.. so if you are reading this please whisper a prayer for us, we need all that we can get right now! I am a Christian, trying to live right, and teach my kids right.. I still struggle on a daily basis, but hey no one is perfect.. I do know that GOD is AMAZING and with him we can do all things! 🙂